- Lost memory fragment 3 days until divergencedestiny 2 mod#
- Lost memory fragment 3 days until divergencedestiny 2 driver#
She mysteriously appeared at key points to guide our newborn Guardian and fix a broken plot I MEAN timeline, and since she never gave her own name we started calling her the “Exo Stranger.” Her sheer determination to not answer any of our questions led to her telling us, “I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain,” giving lore nerds a migraine and everyone else the name for the D1 exotic version of her rifle.Įlsie built Worldline Zero from scavenged Vex tech combined with her own research and it has something to do with how she managed to step outside time. Yeah, Elsie Bray was in D1 - but not under that name. Elsie, not to be outdone by Ana and Rasputin, has two signature weapons: Worldline Zero and the D1 exotic No Time To Explain, named after her, uh, catchphrase during the events of D1.
Lost memory fragment 3 days until divergencedestiny 2 driver#
Her situation might have even been a driver for Clovis Bray Corp starting Exo research in the first place. We’re not sure when or why, but given that transition to an Exo was considered kind of weird and suspect back during the Golden Age, my guess is incurable physical disease. Born into the Bray family, Elsie at some point became an Exo. Origin & Description: We’ve talked about adopted sister Ana, we’ve talked about weird cranky little brother Rasputin now it’s time to talk about the last of the three (interesting) Bray siblings: big sister Elsie. Ornaments: Positive Infinity, Timeline Zero Masterworked Trait: Another Dimension - Reduces the activation time of Tesseract. After sprinting and then jumping, press secondary attack to teleport forward. Perk: Tesseract - While sprinting, press secondary attack to perform an AoE attack. Courtesy towards your fellow guardian is expected.A single strike can alter the course of history. These include New & Reprised Raids, New Dungeons, New Exotic Quests, and Seasonal Story Content.

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